Quick Answers
>Anything under the Resorses is F2U.
>The Spectrum
> Sure! Email me At:
Banana is pretty.
That one. It's Them.
User of the internet, Lover of Cappybara.
This is a website I made for a dump of just...stuff...I never stop making ever. Even when I dont want too. So here is just a dump of stuff. Diary, Gallery, my other Socials.
Me. I'm Clover or Mellon, you can call me either. I'm in my mid twenties, don't have anything special about me. I tend to have bad spelling and grammer, and spend alot of time just exsistng and waiting. :3. I can't stop daydreaming, So I try to make all my brain creations reality. I mean what ELSE is there to do? Be Boring? Not be a fucking freak? No thanks, I just wanna have stupid adventures and throw paint at a wall. You can read stupid specifics here at my full about me.